Outokummun kaupunkiIn English
Etusivun banneri, jossa on ilmakuva Outokummun keskustasta ja lapsi ojentaa voikukkaa.

In English

Welcome to Outokumpu

Outo­kum­pu is a vivid, vibrant, vital and visio­na­ry town in North Kare­lia, Fin­land (see map). Cur­rent­ly the­re are about 7,000 inha­bi­tants in the city, and the popu­la­tion den­si­ty is about 16.00 per squa­re kilo­met­re.

Town of Outo­kum­pu is loca­ted between the two big­gest cities in Eas­tern Fin­land: Kuo­pio (100 kilo­met­res) and Joen­suu (45 kilo­met­res from Outo­kum­pu). Wit­hin 100 km radius from Outo­kum­pu the­re are over 250,000 inha­bi­tants, many well-known Fin­nish and Euro­pean tou­rist att­rac­tions such as Koli Natio­nal Park and the Monas­te­rys of New Vala­mo and Lin­tu­la, plus two cam­puses of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Eas­tern Fin­land (loca­ted in Kuo­pio and Joen­suu).

Outo­kum­pu is very easi­ly acces­sible by bus, see time­tables by Mat­ka­huol­to and by car. The nea­rest railway stop is at Vii­ni­jär­vi (20 kilo­met­res from Outo­kum­pu) and the nea­rest railway sta­tion in Joen­suu, see time­tables by VR. The nea­rest air­ports are loca­ted in Ont­to­la, Joen­suu (40 kilo­met­res from Outo­kum­pu) and Ris­sa­la, Kuo­pio (80 kilo­met­res from Outo­kum­pu).

Healthca­re in Outo­kum­pu is pro­vi­ded by North Kare­lian Siun Sote: www.siunsote.fi. The medical cen­ter of Outo­kum­pu is loca­ted at the city cent­re in Sai­raa­la­ka­tu 8 (see map), tel. +35813 3302252. In genui­ne emer­gencies con­tact the emer­gency num­ber 112 (more info).

Hope to see you soon!

If you have any ques­tions or feed­back to give, plea­se con­tact us:
[email protected]

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Information for the immigrant

Ilmakuva erä- ja luontokeskuksesta.

See, experience and get excited!